Dylan Wilhemson
San Diego, CA.

For context, <mark>client name<mark> is an anime-inspired streetwear brand that was established in 2016. After our initial conversation with the brand owner, we saw his drive to reach new heights and advertising was the method to bridge the gap between where the brand was at and where he wanted to take it.

This release was a culmination of all the blood, sweat, and tears that <mark>client name<mark>, the owner, had put in over the years. The plan was to restock several of his best selling products and keep the site open as a pre-order. The sky was the limit on this one.

One of our primary strategies going into this release was to allocate a significant portion of the budget towards creative testing. The objective behind this approach was to gain valuable insights into what types of content resonate best with the <mark>client name<mark> audience.

Our first steps were pre-release. We planned to launch these campaigns approximately ten days before the release. These ads serve to gather data, build anticipation for the drop, establish credibility within our Facebook Business Manager, and serve as an early-stage creative test. Our primary objectives during this pre-release phase are to raise awareness, attract new potential customers, and gradually increase ad spend to avoid sudden account disruptions on the drop day.

The drop…

Historically, our interest tests in the ad account had primarily focused on anime-related interests. However, for this restock, we decided to expand our horizons and conducted five rounds of interest testing over a span of two weeks. Each round included five interests, covering a wide spectrum, from Fortnite and Columbia Sportswear to Manga and Naruto. Our approach was exploratory, and we were open to testing a diverse range of interests to optimize our targeting strategy… It worked. We spent $11,513.44 on our prospecting campaign to pull $49,811.02 in Facebook attributed revenue. The risk was worth it.

Keep in mind, that was just prospecting. We haven’t gone over retargeting yet. As mentioned before, we ran pre-release with the goal of gathering data, building anticipation for the drop, and establishing credibility in the ad account. This restock, we had spent $4,415.42 on pre-release… The most we had ever spent on any prior drop’s pre-release for this brand. Again, it proved to be worth it. In our typical funnel structure, the majority of our budget is allocated to prospecting for new owned audiences, and that's exactly what we did. However, our retargeting efforts came in at a close second. Our campaigns, initially budgeted at $5,000, ended up spending $13,259.25 to generate $152,659. We saw what was working in the account and scaled aggressively. This can be attributed to the 521,608 users we had reached with our pre-release campaigns over the course of the 10 day period prior to the drop.

To close out this release, between revenue generated from our full funnel structure, along with an exceptional number of miscellaneous purchases from our pre-release campaigns, we had spent $29,188.11 (including pre-release) to pull $225,021.77 in total Facebook attributed revenue at 70% of overall revenue for this release. The drop overall had done $317,857.80 with his previous biggest drop having done just $182,620.

- the epoc team